Tales from my beautiful land


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  • Author: Sandrine Zamedjo
  • Illustrator: Edji Onabel
  • ISBN: 978-9956-10-196-2
  • Themes: Education | Autism | Bravery | Greed | Dreaming | Solidarity | Obedience

“Tales from my beautiful country” is a cocktail of ten wonderful stories from our early childhood, all of them unique. A small world where good and bad manners coexist… The bestiary (animal characters) and the humans who put them on stage, challenge the young reader to the culture of respect for moral and social values such as: solidarity, respect, sharing, bravery, self-confidence, humility…

Dimensions 14.5 × 21 cm
Nombre de pages


Genre éditorial

Recueil de contes

Langue du livre


Formats du livre

Paperback, eBook


Dos carré

Date de parution

Février 2022


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